1. When does the harlot Babylon system emerge?
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2. What kind of character will the Antichrist have?
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3. What is your advice to young believers who fall into grievous sin?
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4. What is your advice to someone who wants to start a house of prayer?
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5. What is the ultimate goal of the Antichrist?
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6. What is the ultimate fate of Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet?
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7. What is Satan’s relationship to the Antichrist?
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8. What does it mean for heaven and earth to come together?
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9. What catalytic event positively identifies the Antichrist?
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10. What are the three main things caused by the false prophet?
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11. What are the three main resources the false prophet uses?
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12. What are the main passages in Scripture that discuss the Antichrist?
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13. Where does Scripture talk about the Day of the Lord?
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14. Where will the Antichrist rule and what will be the extent of his rule?
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15. Will the Antichrist primarily be a religious figure?
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16. Why is the prophecy in Revelation veiled in symbols?
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17. Why is the harlot Babylon a religion?
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18. What kind of influence will the Antichrist have?
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19. Why is the Bible important to you and how do you approach it?
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20. Why is it important to pray biblical prayers in a corporate prayer meeting?
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21. Why is Babylon called Babylon?
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22. Why does the Antichrist choose the Holy Land as his place of leadership?
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23. Why are God’s judgments so severe?
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24. Who raises up the harlot Babylon?
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25. Where will the harlot Babylon religious headquarters be?
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26. Which historical figures personified the spirit and the goals of the Antichrist?
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27. Is the Antichrist alive today on the earth?
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28. Is the end of the world coming?
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29. Is the Day of the Lord a 24-hour time period?
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30. How do we as Christians resist the Antichrist?
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31. Explain the Significance of the Book of Exodus in Relation to the End of the age
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32. Has it always been God’s plan to bring heaven and earth together?
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33. How are we to respond as we see the signs of the end of the age?
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34. How are we to understand the Antichrist as a great oppressor?
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35. How can I feel and know the love of God?
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36. How can I have an effective prayer life?
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37. How do we keep from being deceived by the Antichrist?
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38. How does the Antichrist contrast with Jesus?
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39. How does the remnant of Israel remain hidden from the Antichrist?
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40. Where will the Antichrist rule and what will be the extent of his rule?
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41. Explain the End of the Age
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42. Are we living in the end times today?
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43. Can a person accidentally take the mark of the Beast?
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44. Does God put the Antichrist in power?
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45. Explain God’s Relationship with People in the Age to Come
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46. Explain How the Antichrist will Come to Power by Intrigue
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47. Explain Luke 18
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48. Explain the Difference Between the Spirit of the Antichrist and the Person of Antichrist
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49. Preparing Messengers:How does a young bible teacher approach a new teaching subject?
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50. Is the Bible a reliable guide for moral truth?
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51. Can I live without a sin nature?
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52. Why is the subject of the end times so controversial?
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53. Who are the Kansas City prophets?
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54. Preparing Messengers:What do you mean by the phrase, “Becoming a voice and not an echo”?
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55. Is hell a real place?
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56. How should we address error and false teaching in others?
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57. How do you develop a culture of honor?
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58. How do you deal with online criticism?
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59. How do we identify false prophets?
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60. Called to be an intercessor in a church that “doesn’t get it”
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61. Keys to being a good parent
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62. Family Prayer Life
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63. How can a parent raise a child to become a disciple of Jesus?
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