1. Introducing the Judgment Seat and Eternal Rewards
handout | study note | audio | video - June 4, 2017 -
2. Understanding Eternal Rewards — Biblical Principles (Pt. 1)
handout | study note | audio | video - June 9, 2017 -
3. Understanding Eternal Rewards — Biblical Principles (Pt. 2)
handout | study note | audio | video - June 16, 2017 -
4. Building Upon the Foundation:Living a Life that Matters (1 Cor. 3.10-20)
audio | video - June 23, 2017 -
5. Heavenly Garments:Glorious, Beautiful, and Diverse
handout | study note | audio | video - June 30, 2017 -
6. Reigning on Earth in the Age to Come
handout | study note | audio | video - July 7, 2017 -
7. Heavenly Crowns:Victory, Honor, and Authority
handout | study note | audio | video - July 28, 2017 -
8. Divine Affirmation, Memorials, and Communion with God
handout | study note | audio | video - August 4, 2017 -
9. Pillars, Manna, Vindication, and Treasure in Heaven
handout | study note | audio | video - August 11, 2017 -
10. Rewarded for Being Faithful in Small Things (Mt. 25)
handout | study note | audio | video - July 30, 2017
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