0. Outline of Daniel 7-12
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0. Quick Facts and Terminology Related to the End Times
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1. The Four Beast Kingdoms (Dan. 7.1-8)
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2. God’s Sovereign Leadership over History (Dan. 7.9-14)
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3. The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist (Dan. 7.15-28)
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4. The Abomination of Desolation:Understanding the Basics
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5. The Little Horn Who Defiles the Sanctuary (Dan. 8.1-14)
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6. The Personality and Power of the Antichrist (Dan. 8.15-27)
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7. The 70-Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9 (Part 1)
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8. The 70-Weeks Prophecy of Daniel 9 (Part 2)
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9. The Power of a Life Dedicated to God (Dan. 10)
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9b. Daniel:Six Examples of the Forerunner Lifestyle (Dan. 1-6)
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10. The Antichrist’s Attitudes and Activities (Dan. 11.36-45)
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10b. Israel, Egypt, and Syria in Victory and Unity (Isa. 19)
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11. CHART:Daniel Chronology 610–516 BC
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12. CHART:Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Dan. 2) & Daniel’s Vision (Dan. 7)
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13. MAPS:The Four Empires Resulting from Alexander's Death & Roman Empire
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14. CHART:Daniel's 70 Weeks & The 2,300 Days
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Glossary of End-Time Terms
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