1. The Bride of Christ:God's Eternal Purpose
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2. Understanding the Message of the Bride of Christ
handout | transcript | video -
3. Adam:The Human Spirit Designed for Intimacy with God
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4. Eve:Relating to God in Intimacy without Shame (Gen. 2)
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5. Rebekah:The Extravagant Heart of the Bride (Gen. 24)
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6. Cultivating the Oil of Intimacy with Jesus (Mt. 25.1-13)
handout | transcript | audio | video -
7. End-Time Revelation of Jesus:Bridegroom, King, and Judge
handout | video -
8. Our Call to Emphasize Jesus as Bridegroom, King, and Judge
handout | transcript | video -
9. The Bridegroom God and His Bride:A New Testament Overview
handout | audio | video -
10. The Bridegroom God and His Bride:Old Testament Overview
handout | transcript | audio | video -
11. Breaking Strongholds:Revelation of the Bride (2 Cor. 11.2-3)
handout | audio | video -
12. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb (Rev. 19.1-10)
handout | audio | video
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