1. Feasting on God:A Table in the Presence of my Enemies (Ps. 23)
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2. Confidence in the Midst of Trials (Rom. 5.3-5)
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3. Freely Receiving from the Spirit:Walking Free from Legalism
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4. Responding to Trials:Death Working Life in Us (2 Cor. 4.7-18)
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5. What Will Our Resurrected Bodies Be Like?
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6. Kona:The Convergence of the Missions and Prayer Movements
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7. Being Empowered to Love and Honor Others (Eph. 3.14-19)
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8. Toronto:The Convergence of the Missions and Prayer Movements
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9. Convergence of Missions and Prayer:IHOP-KC–-KC's Role to Serve Others
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10. Becoming a Person after God's Own Heart (1 Sam. 16-17)
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11. The New Creation:The Human Spirit Made Righteous (2 Cor. 5.17)
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12. Friends of the Bridegroom Forerunner Messengers
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13. Asia in End-Time Prophecy (with Chinese Translation)
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14. Becoming a Person after God's Own Heart (1 Sam. 16-17)
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15. Triumph of Justice:Partnering with Jesus in His Ministry (Isa. 42)
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16. That the Lamb Would Receive the Reward of His Sufferings
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17. The Gift of Righteousness (Rom. 3.21-31)
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18. Resolving Conflicts and Making Godly Appeals
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19. Being Faithful in Our Divine Assignment
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20. Jesus' Overview of the Forerunner Message
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21. Why and How Do We Stand with Israel?
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22. Receiving Words of Knowledge:Being Supernaturally Natural
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23. Things I Learned from John Wimber
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24. Cultivating a Ministry Culture of Meekness
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