1. Escaping the End-Time Snare
audio | video - February 22, 2004 -
2. The Fullness of the Gentiles:Provoking Israel, Part 2
audio | video - March 6, 2004 -
3. The Fullness of the Gentiles:Provoking Israel, Part 3
audio | video - March 7, 2004 -
4. The Fullness of the Gentiles:Provoking Israel, Part 4
audio | video - March 10, 2004 -
5. Historic Premillennialism and the Victorious Church
audio | video - March 20, 2004 -
6. The Need for Power Breakthroughs
audio | video - April 10, 2004 -
7. The Spirit of Prayer
audio | video - April 11, 2004 -
8. End-Time Messengers:7 Thunders Prophets
audio | video - April 17, 2004 -
9. Wholeheartedness:The Response the Lord Desires
audio | video - April 18, 2004 -
10. The Antichrist’s Power Base
audio | video - May 1, 2004 -
11. Setting Our Hearts for Revelation and Encounter, Part 1
audio | video - July 18, 2004 -
12. Beholding the Gladness of Jesus, Part 2
audio | video - July 23, 2004 -
13. 3-Fold Anointing to Love
audio | video - October 7, 2004 -
14. Pray for Peace in Jerusalem
audio | video - October 7, 2004 -
15. Power of Covetousness on the Heart & Eternal Rewards
video - October 31, 2004 -
16. Humility:Transferring Personal Rights
audio | video - November 14, 2004 -
17. Fifth Trumpet:Torment by Demonic Locusts
audio | video - December 4, 2004 -
18. The Power of Wholeheartedness
handout | audio | video - December 28, 2004 -
19. God is Raising up Forerunners
audio | video - December 28, 2004 -
20. Forerunners with the Bridal Paradigm
audio | video - December 29, 2004 -
21. The Church that Changes History
audio | video - December 30, 2004
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